Doug Engelbart 85th birthday is January 30

Happy birthday Douglas Engelbart. We hosted a glorious 85th birthday celebration at The Tech Museum in San Jose. We provided a white limo for Doug and Karen Engelbart Where a few hundred of Doug’s friends and family greeted him. Like George Bailey, (reference to the film “It’s a Wonderful Life”) Doug Engelbart may just beContinue reading “Doug Engelbart 85th birthday is January 30”

Fancy Food Show

I attended the Fancy Food Show with three gal pals: Foodie extaodinaire, Susan Gibbs, Betsty Burroughs, Claudia Brenner I over heard a distributor say his biggest seller is bottled water. These guys were selling water infused with peppermint oil (my daughter, Mali McGee, has convinced me of the perils and damage caused by plastic waterContinue reading “Fancy Food Show”